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Cleaning and Maintenance Tips: Stainless Steel Appliances

Stainless steel is resistant to rust and corrosion. That is why it is one of the most commonly used materials for many kitchen appliances such as refrigerators, stoves and ovens. Stainless steel gives appliances a naturally sleek and shiny appearance. However, fingerprints, streaks, grime and grease show up easily on stainless steel and they are not very pleasing to the eyes. To avoid this problem, regular cleaning and maintenance of stainless steel is very essential.

Here are cleaning and maintenance tips for stainless steel appliances:

1. Do a quick wipe every time you notice pesky smudges and fingerprints. This can be done using a soft cloth (preferably microfiber) and water. After cleaning, wipe dry the surface with a towel to prevent water spots. You may also use a mild detergent with warm water if the surface has hard-to-remove dirt and grime.

2. Observe routine cleaning at least twice a week using any of the homemade solutions below:

  • Olive oil or mineral oil – Dab a small amount of oil on a damp cloth and use it to wipe-clean your stainless steel stove, refrigerator and other stainless steel appliance.
  • Baking soda – Prepare a paste by combining baking soda and water. Rub it gently on the surface to remove grease, grime, dirt and fingerprints. Rinse and dry using dry towel or cloth.

4. Polish stainless steel appliances. White vinegar combined with liquid dish soap (1 cup vinegar + 5 drops of soap + 1 liter warm water) is excellent for polishing stainless steel surfaces. Transfer the solution to a spray bottle and apply solution to the stainless steel surfaces. Then scrub the surface using a soft cloth to remove stains, fingerprints and dirt. Once cleaned, scrub the surface (in circular motion) using a soft dry cloth. Do this until the surface is well-polished and glossy.

5. Remember the Do’s and Don’ts in cleaning stainless steel.


  • Do use soft cloth when cleaning stainless steel surface.
  • Do follow the natural grain when cleaning and don’t rub against it as it may cause scratches.
  • Do use homemade solutions as much as possible; they are safer to use and can be as effective as commercial cleaners.
  • Do take a few minutes each day to check out on your stainless steel appliances for fingerprints, streaks, smudges and dirt. Clean if there are any before they become hard to remove.


  • Don’t use abrasive materials when cleaning stainless steel as they can easily cause permanent scratches.
  • Don’t use cleaning products labeled as corrosive, poisonous or flammable. Wrong use of these products can sometimes damage your appliances rather that clean them. To be safe, there are many alternative homemade products that are safer to use and can give you the desired outcome.

Stainless steel appliances are very beautiful in the kitchen and can complement any kitchen decorating style. However, having this type of appliance will require you to clean and maintain it regularly. Using the tips mentioned above, cleaning and maintaining your stainless steel appliances can be a lot easier.

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